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In 2020, the ACLU publicly made a statement displaying support for Britney Spears' fight against her ongoing conservatorship.


"Conservatorships can result in serious financial, physical, or emotional abuse," the ACLU tweeted alongside the link.

Conservatorship "is the court weighing into the person’s life and saying you, as a person with a disability, are no longer able to make decisions about yourself and livelihood — such as where you live, and how you support and feed yourself — and we are putting someone else in charge of making those decisions. Because it’s such an extreme step to take, it’s really supposed to be a last resort," Zoe Brennan-Krohn, staff attorney with the ACLU’s Disability Rights Project, explained in the article.


"We don’t know if Britney Spears identifies herself as a person with disabilities, or what, if any, diagnoses she has received," Brennan-Krohn said. "But by virtue of being under a conservatorship, we know that the court has determined that she is disabled, and has stripped away her civil rights because of that disability. So it’s inherently a civil rights/civil liberties issue."


From this Billboard Article.

DECOLONIZATION AS A STRATEGY FOR accommodating Disabilities

by Rachel Setzer | via Disability Visibility Project

“In the Black community, we don't talk about disability and if we do, it’s within the realm of jokes, making light of something, or using us as punching bags on the internet," Brown said. "Then you have the white disabled community who doesn't talk about queerness or race or sexuality. It is exhausting sometimes because ... It’s hard to feel like I really belong in any place.”


From this Today article.

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